Religion should have nothing to do with politics

Gandhi once said that those who believe that religion is different from politics do not know what religion is. In our approach however, we have found in their purpose and their practise a lot of differences. Basically politics has to do with power and control whereas religion has a metaphysical purpose. But since both have to do with the organization and of societies, it happens very often that there is an intersection between them and in some cases even a confusion. The mixture of religions and politics is probably due to the fact that religions are used politically in our human societies that are becoming more and more secular. Religions are used to fuel political ideologies with the aim of gathering as much people as possible into a political ideology.

The mixture of religions and politics is probably due to the fact that religions are used politically in our societies that are becoming more and more secular. When the people identify themselves as belonging to a group, they can easily differentiate and disdain other groups to increase their pride. The conflict with religious doctrine is nothing new. In the course of history there have been a lot of conflicts fuelled by religious ideologies. The main world monotheistic religions, even though sharing a lot of concepts, are not unanimous in many terms such as in the condition for salvation. From its main purpose religion is different from politics. From the crusades since the middle age till the fight of extremism in our contemporary societies, religious and political ideas mingle together but still evolve separately.

Whereas the goal of politicians is mere wordly and has to do with matters of the world, religions deals with the soul, something that is not really easy to define. Religions deal also with the unseen. Metaphysical questions are linked to what happens after life. The use of religion in this world is to amend the conduct of people and teach them righteousness so that they might be rewarded after their life. The goals of politicians are rather to rule the people and have decision about their wordly interests, their country, their properties, their jobs and many other matters that are linked to their interests in this world. Religious doctrine should therefore be based on teaching good conduct. A religious person is focussing on enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil. Ethical values are the foundation of religious doctrine. Politics is rather based on strengthening some common values that unify with the aim of gathering as much people as possible under the same doctrine. Moral values do not play the most important role here, although they might be linked to some ideologies.

Both politics and religion may allude practising position of administration, but their goals are different. Whereas the administration of humans in the religious sense will take into account life after death, political administration is limited to the person as a citizen with rights and duties in his society.

In our commitment to help people understand the value of righteousness and good conduct, we face a lot of manipulators using people to spread religious doctrine without any insistence on good deeds. Revealed religions were all sent to amend the conduct of people who went astray. Moses was sent to manifest the authority of God to the tyrannicide pharaohs. Jesus was sent to those among the children of Israel who had given up the teachings of Moses. Muhammad was sent to spread monotheism from pagan Arabia throughout the world. Modern religious scholars all agree that religiosity should be measured in the capacity to combat evil. And this is only attainable through the implementation of the teachings of the prophets of God. But in the modern political religious argumentation the focus is just made on a doctrine. If you don’t accept Jesus as your God you are lost. And even among the Muslims the manipulators are presents. The focus is not made on the sunnah and the teachings of the prophet but on some cultural aspects of the religion having nothing to do with right conduct. This is a kind of politics made to divide people and manipulate them and has nothing to do with religion. Indeed, righteousness is sometimes difficult to judge but the character of the people can be observed from time to time by those around them.

They are evidence in the transformation of groups of young people with spreading religious values which include some fundamentals of the teachings of the prophet of God . The reward is from God and may be apprehended after a long period of practice of good conduct. The reward of the manipulator does not take any ethical values into account but are merely based of adhering to an opinion or a doctrine. It seems as though the more people adhere to their doctrine, the more they gain influence on the group and many do not care if they is a positive transformation of the people from wretched to good behaving citizens of not.

If you have a religious commitment, then you might rely on the measurement of religious faith through implementation of the pillars of religion. Even if there is no direct guarantee of the greatest reward in this world except for those who are really patient, there are visible results in the improvement of ethical values and good conduct. This can be considered as glad tidings for an in-imaginable reward in the hereafter.

Indeed, some cultural traditions can be called religions but the world main monotheistic religions are known to have a common origin and are base of the doctrine of the unicity of God. If you believe that God is one without any partner or associate then you believe in the socle of Islamic faith. This is said to have been last taught by the massager of god Muhammad(pbuh) who agreed with the teachings of his predecessors in this mission. Jesus and Moses were known to have strengthened people with the commandments of God on high.

If one God creator almighty is being worshiped and served as prescribed by his prophet in a given society then it is the submission to God(Islam) in that society. Those who will abide to it will have a great reward in this world, and in the hereafter.

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